Hey fellows Bloggers!!
Sorry for not blogging for a while. (Sorry dear Athena)!!
This is just a quick update of what I have been up to lately this Autumn holidays.
I had a birthday on the 14Th, and may I add that it was awesome.
I watched SPIDERWICK CHRONICLES and that was also awesome.!! One of the best story line ever. My Dad watched it with us also. My sister was scared of the movie that I heard my Dad giving her advice. He said "just don't blink". 0_o L O L
For my sister's sake, I came with her to the HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL ICE TOUR!
We were seated in the highest level, for my aunt bought the tickets late.
Never the less, the seats were great. I got really dizzy and I couldn't move as much for I am cowardly
afraid of heights, sadly to say. The show was really good and the skating was very impressive.
Because we were seated up the top, we decided that we needed to bring binoculars. We all looked weird with those things. but hey, it did help us see the skaters better.
Moving on...
I have been on the computer for quite some time now. this is because I have to research for my school assignments. It kind of buggs me that I have to do school work on holidays, but I guess that's what high school is all about. I've been photoshopping as well. and I have become slightly better in fixing photos with effects and techniques. I love creating art. Well, at least attempting to create art.
Along with my so called "art", I have also been making collages and madly ripping pages and pages out of magazine
and pasting whatever I can find onto a piece of paper. It is quite fun, although the mess I leave behind is difficult to clean up because it contains tiny pieces of trimmed paper.
I need to wrap this up so I can finish off my work that i need to do.
sorry for the late blog!!!