Hi! I'm finally blog-active again. do you like my new layout? I do !
Sweet Powwow
안녕하세요 anyeonghaseyo! hello! welcome to my little green garden www. brace yourselves for total randomness if you are to read any of my entries. I often fan-girl a lot and type out wierd streams of thought. you have been warned. other than that, scroll through with a smile :)

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Quote of the day
Jenica: You know the song 'Cheeky Cheeky' by Vengaboys? Rochelle: Oh yeaah. back in the daay.. Jenica: Yeah ! I can sing that song backwards! ♫ Boys cheeky the are you Boys cheeky the are you Girls cheeky the are we Girls cheeky the are we ♫ Everyone: AHAHAHAHAH Jenica: Sighh. I have too much time oh my hands !

Feeling : _hungry__
Eating : _nothing__
Doing : _fixing this blog layout__
Watching : _letters appear on the computer screen___
Listening to : _the humm of the laptop__


Daily Reads
ate pam | athena | rebha | maribelle | mariessa

Rotten Things
March 2008 | April 2008 | May 2008 | June 2008 | August 2008 | September 2008 | October 2008 | November 2008 | January 2009 | February 2009 | March 2009 | April 2009 | May 2009 | June 2009 | July 2009 | August 2009 | September 2009 | October 2009 | November 2009 | December 2009 | January 2010 | February 2010 | March 2010 | April 2010 | July 2010 | September 2010 |

once again
awesome teachers, no homework, internet acces...
exploding laptops
what makes me laugh
this is just a "frighted peace"
death to exams!
op shopping = treasure hunt
stepping in dog crap is the best way to end your day
back to total randomness

Music Here! coming soon!

the beads and candy wrappers are making be dizzy :S
Written at Sunday, September 21, 2008 | back to top

First of all, I want to greet my Ate Pam! HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY! (I messaged you btw ;)

YES! 5 more days 'till school is OUT! WOOOOH!
Have you noticed that every time i blog, i always talk about my "new obsession" or "new hobby"? how funny! I have developed a strong liking of crafting. I've made some jewellery and origami stars and cranes and what not, and I've also began to draw again. (not very well though!) I guess I do to keep my mind of school and stuff like that. I mean, Friday was pretty hard this week. We had a science test (which I studied my brains out) and we had a super hard English exam (which I also studied my brains out for). I also received my developed pictures from my mum and ALL the pictures were ruined!!!!! I took 6 pictures of the Pope on that thing and they were ruined. Only 1 out of 24 pictures turned out OK. grrr. I think I know why it was wrecked and I am so ashamed to say that it was my fault. When were were up at the mountains, I brought along my camera to take some pictures. The film finished so I rewinded <(is that even a word?) it. I thought I was finished so I oped the back cover and ....Sugar Honey Ice Tea!!! It wasn't fully rewinded!!! It got over exposed!!! :'(

oh darnnn. I was so looking forward to seeing my pictures!

enough of the bad news. On the brighter side of this week, I got my naplan results thingo.. you know, with all those bans things.. anyway, I got pretty good marks! I got 1 ban 10 (the highest ban) and the rest ban 9! (except for maths where I got ban 8) For me, that is pretty good, I don't want to sound braggy or anything. Oh.. and I also got my maths test results back! I can't remember exactly what I got, but it was very good! I've gotten better at maths! Finally, about darn time!

and today, I finally uploaded some new pictures! some are random... but who cares right!

crayons, paper stars and the robot ;)
these pictures were taken on my study table last weekend, when I though the sunlight was really pretty nice against the colours! These are some of the origami stars I have made
This is the Starburst candy wrapper bracelet I made for my cousin. She loved it!
I was inspired by Lana ;)
I've also been making bead bracelets and have finally finished one (no pictures available YET). I had to re-do it 5 times since the string I was using was far to short and the beads kept falling off! =S
This is a doll hand made by a Peruvian lady. I was touched by the story a volunteer told the students of my school about the poverty happening around the world. They sold the toys that these poor, untrained ladies created and the money was sent directly to them. I immediately fell in love with this one. She has so much detail and it is unbelievable that an untrained woman made this beautiful doll. I named her Lulu.
well.. TADA. thats it for today, but expect more pictures and blogging ahead as the holidays are fast approaching!!!! YIPEEEE!
is chewing bubble gum good for you?
Written at Friday, September 12, 2008 | back to top

*chew* *chew*
OK, so this week I have discovered that I have new hobby. Can any of you guess?
Its memorising the capital cities of each and every country there is on this planet. Yes... go on, laugh at me and tell me to get a life (as many of my friends tell me to do) HAHA. I have already been labelled "nerd" but I don't care since I agree anyway (I'm Nerdy by Nature) This is what I get up to in my spare time, I'm a very constructive person (as Sheenal told me) and I do not like wasting my time. Its quite fun actually. Last night I memorised all the European countries and their capitals. Do you know what Iceland's capital is? Its Reykjavik... I always get that one wrong! Tonight, I'm off to study the middle east. All those "stan" countries have hard-to-pronounce capitals. The next week, I travel down to Africa then America. Yes, that is my travel itinerary from next week. Athena, Christelle and I play wierded out games on the train, just to help me memorise the countries. Its hilarious since Christelle is totally clueless!
(oh and I'm chewing on gum... hence the title of this blog =D is chewing gum good for you?)
Eclipse is getting interesting again. See, I told you I just need that little push!. You'll see me on the train frantically reading the book!
Today the temperature was warm. SPRING HAS FINALLY COME! YAY.
Oh and remember that costume day for school i was talking about last week? Well, it RAINED! Talk about raining on the parade! It was quite fun though towards the end when we had the disco.. super crowed, super smelly, super loud. I must say that I'm not that wild party type, but what the hey, why not?
I have to play tennis tomorrow but sadly, I'm not in the mood for it. I haven't been practicing with Dad for a while, which makes me so rusty! I'm mad at myself for not practicing!
That's basically it. Nothing major this week.
I'm off to the Middle East now!

oh and p.s... I will be changing my blog layout soon =D
Shakespeare is Cool ;)
Written at Thursday, September 4, 2008 | back to top

well well well. long time no blog aye.
I apologize for that. I seem to be developing blogcrastination again. =(
I am glad to say that I have fully recovered from the disease or whatever it is I had a couple of weeks ago. Catching up to the school work I missed was hard. I didn't realize that I missed so much!
Last week, was one of my most jammed pack weeks of my life! assignment after assignment after assignment! Don't these teachers communicate with each other? Don't they know that giving me 10 or more assignments at that same time can give me permanent brain damage? I mean my sister already bashes me head up with a pillow when she gets angry at me, which kills most of my brain cells! NO WONDER I'M SO DUMB!
I , however, am enjoying my English classes. We are currently studying Shakespeare's OTHELLO and it is AWESOME! At first, I was like " what is Iago going on about" and "translation please!", but now, I'm actually enjoying it. The story is timeless and interesting. We are also watching the movie OTHELLO starring... LAURENCE FISHBURNE! Everytime I see him, I can't help to think about Morpheus from the Matrix. Everything lately is being linked to the Matrix. A common obsession phase I go through.
Tomorrow is going to be a fun day at school. We are to dress up as a Disney character and I have chosen to go as Lilo (Lilo and Stitch) in her hula skirt. Sadly to say, that I will not be wearing that pink bra thing she wears, I think they'll give me detention for that! HAHAHA. I begged my friend (harveen) to go as Stitch, but she decided to go all boring on me and just wear a Disney shirt and jeans! How unfair? Its not that hard to dress up as Stitch, all you need to do is wear blue and buy big ears! I mean, I'm also going to wear a Disney shirt, so that makes me kinda like a "2in1" if you will. ;)
On the weekend, my uncle and auntie spoke to me about what I wanted to do when I finished school. I didn't realise that I hat no idea what I wanted to do! A silent panic attack occured in my mind as we spoke. What if I don't get a good job? hmmmm. I'm DOOMED! Any suggestions anyone? PLEASE HELP!
Some more random facts about my life... I have strangely become addicted to Tetris.. oh and the Rubix Cube. I'm getting better at both these mind boggling games. =D My interest in the Royal families is creeping in again, as Princess Mary and Prince Freddy (that handsome fellow.hehehe) are on the news frequently. GRRR, how I want to experience even just one princess day! Maybe that will be my future, my job, I'll be in a bar.. or somewhere else.. and I'll find my REAL prince who will marry me, and I'll become princess of whatever country his family rules. You never know, it can all happen.
I no longer want to finish Eclipse as Jacob Black is annoying my guts. I always have this problem with the TWILIGHT saga. (Stephenie Meyer, if you are reading this blog... you are one hell of a genius!) Everytime Jacob come into the scene, I reduce my reading speed and prey that he goes away soon. I always need that little push from my TWILIGHT ZOMBIE FRIENDS. They force me to read and read until I'm back on track. Thanks to all the zombies in my life! haha. I'm currently reading (besides Othello) "UFO in the USA" (David Hackett I think) It is HILARIOUS! My friend (harveen) and I sit in the library at lunch time (whatever, call us geeks and we don't care ;P) and laugh our heads off as we read the rib-tickling lines from the book.
well. I must be off. I have to prepare my costume for tomorrow!
I can't wait!
toodles =D