op shopping = treasure hunt
I spent the whole day with Mum, joined also with my uncle and aunt, going op shopping, scavenging through several vinnie's and salvos. You never know what you might just find. Its definitely one of my favourite things to do.
I found and bought 4 more books that I've always wanted to read ;
TULLY paullina simons
THE SUMMER GARDEN paullina simons
EAT PRAY LOVE elizabeth gilbert
ANGELA'S ASHES frank mccourtand all for under $15! can you believe that!!!??!?? My library is definitely growing, as well as my reading list. Don't worry, I'll get there. I'm almost finished Not Without My Daughter and I've started reading A Walk To Remember. My mother found my some red skinny jeans from Jay Jays for just $6! lucky she found it because I have a gift card for Jay Jays and was planning on using it on some skinny jeans. To top that off, Mum also found 3 awesome bags, all in great condition. one was Prada, so cute you could just eat it up. Mother was determined to find some clothes for Angelou, and clothes she received, most of which were from Jay Jays. Finding all of these great things makes me wonder why they were donated just like that. Oh well, its an advantage for us.
have you realised that I've finally discovered the beauty of different sizes, colours, italics and boldness of the font! it makes my posts interesting to look at I guess.
well, best be off to finally finish some books.
Au revoir ~