Hi! I'm finally blog-active again. do you like my new layout? I do !
Sweet Powwow
안녕하세요 anyeonghaseyo! hello! welcome to my little green garden www. brace yourselves for total randomness if you are to read any of my entries. I often fan-girl a lot and type out wierd streams of thought. you have been warned. other than that, scroll through with a smile :)

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Quote of the day
Jenica: You know the song 'Cheeky Cheeky' by Vengaboys? Rochelle: Oh yeaah. back in the daay.. Jenica: Yeah ! I can sing that song backwards! ♫ Boys cheeky the are you Boys cheeky the are you Girls cheeky the are we Girls cheeky the are we ♫ Everyone: AHAHAHAHAH Jenica: Sighh. I have too much time oh my hands !

Feeling : _hungry__
Eating : _nothing__
Doing : _fixing this blog layout__
Watching : _letters appear on the computer screen___
Listening to : _the humm of the laptop__


Daily Reads
ate pam | athena | rebha | maribelle | mariessa

Rotten Things
March 2008 | April 2008 | May 2008 | June 2008 | August 2008 | September 2008 | October 2008 | November 2008 | January 2009 | February 2009 | March 2009 | April 2009 | May 2009 | June 2009 | July 2009 | August 2009 | September 2009 | October 2009 | November 2009 | December 2009 | January 2010 | February 2010 | March 2010 | April 2010 | July 2010 | September 2010 |

once again
awesome teachers, no homework, internet acces...
exploding laptops
what makes me laugh
this is just a "frighted peace"
death to exams!
op shopping = treasure hunt
stepping in dog crap is the best way to end your day
back to total randomness

Music Here! coming soon!

I can't believe I was still at school at 9:20pm
Written at Wednesday, June 24, 2009 | back to top

home sweet home!!
Thank God I only had one performance!
I stuffed up, but I'm praying that it wasn't that obvious.... which I bet it was since I smiled every time I made a mistake. I bet it was caught on video, which I haven't seen yet..
hmmm... glad that was over.
during the performance I just felt myself go redder and redder. Just really happy that the background lighting was red, I don't know why though ?_?
I was in the fourth performance which meant that I had the rest of the night to wait till the event was over. I basically just talked to friends and made new ones and tried out some new instruments. Did you know I used to play the flute?? LOL
bet you didn't =)
overall, it was a really fun experience.
I can't wait to see what next term's performing arts night brings.
Written at Tuesday, June 23, 2009 | back to top

ok.... just finished locking myself up in the practice room and playing the piano and the violin... what to do what to do... I'm actually starving to death here, and I'm still thinking of the ways i could possibly mess up....
blog you later then,
I hope my parents come early so that they can get really good seats!!!!.
this isn't usual
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ok, can you all believe this? Its past 3 and I'm still at school.....
yes that's right, I'm staying here until the performing arts night is over.. which is going to take a while.
I'm in the music rooms on the laptop along with some of my music friends.
I'm on twitter as well, just being random.. (follow me! username: missJenicaaa) !!
hmmmm.... I'm really nervous at the moment. I really want a piano so that I can relax.
I had only 1 and a half classes today, all thanks to rehearsals. =)
I'll try to blog again during this waiting period.
hmmmm.. I'm already thinking of the ways I could stuff up!!!!
arggg .. i just simply don't perform!
cya laterrrrr
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I know, I haven't blogged in a really long time. Is it really a surprise? I mean, I have so little time nowadays.
the content of this blog post will obviously reflect on what I've been up to and what's been happening so far, as you can tell from the title of the post. I want to do this the easy way, since I have quite a bit to talk about, therefore, I have used sub-headings. Aren't I a clever cookie? =)

So, great news, I'm finally working!!!!
I'm earning my own money and boy does it feel good! After half a year of job hunting, I've finally been accepted to a job which I totally enjoy and, not to brag, actually good at. Though I must be honest, my shifts can be tiring, but who cares right?! I'm totally enjoying it! I love the people I work with, I've gotten to know them and they were so welcoming!

I just received the report yesterday... da da dum!!!!
I wasn't THAT pleased but I was relieved that it didn't turn out to be one of those heart-attack-causing, commit-suicide-before-parents-see type reports. Most of my grades were B's, but that gives me room to improve for next semester. (hopefully I'll improve)! I was really proud of my science report. I absolutely love science!
My school has the performing arts night tomorrow and it's my first time to perform a big piece. I'm so nervous, but I've been told that that part is normal. I'm playing the violin in a quartet and I'm playing a piece called " Fugue" along with 5 other violinist (even though a quartet is for 4 players only. That's because we have more than 4 violinist) I play the fourth violin part, which is the easiest part out of the quartet. (because I suck!) I'm honestly not that great at playing the violin, but its great fun. I started last year and i have improved quite a bit. Practice makes perfect =)
I'm praying to God that everything goes well tomorrow night !
(pray along with me)
The history elective class, including me, went on an excursion today to the city. Its as the first time EVER that the teachers told us we could roam around the city, totally UNSUPERVISED! The freedom was overwhelming, we didn't know what to do, so we ended up buying our recess and lunch -_-" . We were allowed to roam around twice.! The field trip was very enjoyable since there is only one history elective class in grade 10 in my school, so there was only a handful of students.
In the bus on the way into the city, we passed by the Slip Inn, yes, the meeting place of Princess Mary and Prince Frederick of Denmark! I've passed it many times already but for some reason every time I pass it, I tend to get very excited and giggly! Some of you might not have know but I LOVE royal people! I was sooo obsessed with Princess Mary and Prince Frederick in grade 6, it was scary!
We also passed Martin Place where Sunrise is filmed, and I got excited there as well. I was seriously like a tourist!

~Books, TV, Music~
I'm currently reading two books, My Sister's Keeper by Jodie Picoult and The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards. Two touching stories, if you haven't read them...READ THEM!
I was totally depressed when the situation between Jon and Kate worsened. Discovery Home and Health is on of my favourite channels. I watch almost everything on there. I love Jon & Kate plus 8! That show is so adorable and so interesting. I'm not sure what will happen next, but seriously, I think the cameras need to give the family a break. The reality show curse... grrr... Poor kids. I feel like I know each one of them. !
Charmed has not died down!!!! still completely obsessed with them! I watch the DVDs in my spare time (which I actually don't have at the moment) and I watch videos on my iPod of Charmed. I can't wait till the holidays, I feel a Charmed Marathon coming up!
new music likes!
vampire weekend,
tegan and sara,
the decemberists,
joanna newsom,
john legend,
hungry kids of hungary
cat power

forever favourites:
ingrid michaelson
the hush sound
hey monday
jason mraz
oren lavie
natasha bedingfield
sara barielles
sixpence none the richer
wade robson
etc etc etc

Coco gave birth .. AGAIN! for the third time!
this time was less successful than the previous ones. She originally had four puppies, though one of them dies =( .
she's a tad over protective of the at the moment so I haven't been able to see what they are or take a good look at them. She wasn't like that before. perhaps its because one the them died. Hopefully she relaxes soon so we can take a proper look at her puppies. I'm hoping not to get too attached to them, like the previous batch of puppies. I have crying my eyes out when we sold them to the pet shop. Its so hard to let go of them once you get to know what they are like and you get to bond with them.

that's basically it!
just a really random post of my random life.
hope to get some spear time so I can actually blog about something decent.!

ciao for now loyal blog readers!
(I'm listening to John Legend right now just to let you know)
till I blog again...
about the blog underneath
Written at Saturday, June 6, 2009 | back to top

oh man! sorry about the blog post underneath about the books. its messed up!!! DARN BLOG!! oh well, you can still read it right??
random good books
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Just some books that i really enjoyed reading. read them!
(in no particular order)

The Baby-Sitters Club. - Ann M. Marin
ahh, the primary school days. I seriously love this series! Great stories of friendships, family school and all the other things in between. The picture is obviously just one of the many books in the series, "Dawn and the Impossible Three". I remember re-reading this one in grade six. ^^

The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsella
This book is hilarious. I read it last year after my mum told me to read it. In the book, you'll meet Rebecca Bloomwood, an amusing shopaholic who finds herself doing the strangest things to earn the money she needs to pay off her enormous bill.

The Prophecy of the Gems - Flavia Bujor
This book took me a while to read. I read it some time 2 or 3 years ago. It was wrtten by a teenager, Flavia Bujor, who has impressed me with her style of writing. The three lives of the girls, Jade, Amber and Opal, (I'm pretty sure thats their names) collide after being given a gem.

Harry Potter series - J.K Rowling
This series obviously was going to be on my list. I just recently started reading Harry Potter and I have been kicking myself for not reading it earlier. I actually didn't want to read the books before, I just watched the movies. I don't know what got me reading them, but I've been really enjoying them so far. I'm up to the third book ^^ (I love Ron!)

Heartbeat - Sharon Creech
whoa! how bad is that picture of the book! anyway, this book has been written in poetic form and takes you along Annie's emotional states. You are taken on a journey along with Annie as she runs and reflects on her life.

A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket
I totally fell in love with this series after watching the movie. I love the kind of stories involving secrets and mysteries and what not. Generally, I love stories with spooky, wierd and crazy stuff. Lemony Snicket gives the 3 main characters (Sunny, Klaus & Violet) such different personalities and I love it when they do that, just like in Charmed how every sister is different.

The Princess Diaries - Meg Cabot
I absolutely love this series!! In my opinion every teenage girl should have at least read the first book!
The movie was AWESOME as well!
Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway are some of my favourite actors!

hahaha. just wanted to add one of my favourite scenes in the movie! "Shut Up!"

Macbeth - William Shakespeare
I just finished reading this a couple of weeks ago for my Shakespeare class at school. I honestly loved the tradgedy of Macbeth. I really liked the supernatural factor in the play, it was really interesting.

Twilight - Stephenie Meyer
for the romantics out there. This isn't just any typical or ordinary romance story, unless you can call vampires and werewolves typical and ordinary. Yes, you too will melt while reading this series by Stephenie Meyer. (if you read Twilight, you MUST read the other books New Moon, Eclispse, Breaing Dawn and any other books that Meyer puts out for this saga)