Hi! I'm finally blog-active again. do you like my new layout? I do !
Sweet Powwow
안녕하세요 anyeonghaseyo! hello! welcome to my little green garden www. brace yourselves for total randomness if you are to read any of my entries. I often fan-girl a lot and type out wierd streams of thought. you have been warned. other than that, scroll through with a smile :)

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Quote of the day
Jenica: You know the song 'Cheeky Cheeky' by Vengaboys? Rochelle: Oh yeaah. back in the daay.. Jenica: Yeah ! I can sing that song backwards! ♫ Boys cheeky the are you Boys cheeky the are you Girls cheeky the are we Girls cheeky the are we ♫ Everyone: AHAHAHAHAH Jenica: Sighh. I have too much time oh my hands !

Feeling : _hungry__
Eating : _nothing__
Doing : _fixing this blog layout__
Watching : _letters appear on the computer screen___
Listening to : _the humm of the laptop__


Daily Reads
ate pam | athena | rebha | maribelle | mariessa

Rotten Things
March 2008 | April 2008 | May 2008 | June 2008 | August 2008 | September 2008 | October 2008 | November 2008 | January 2009 | February 2009 | March 2009 | April 2009 | May 2009 | June 2009 | July 2009 | August 2009 | September 2009 | October 2009 | November 2009 | December 2009 | January 2010 | February 2010 | March 2010 | April 2010 | July 2010 | September 2010 |

once again
awesome teachers, no homework, internet acces...
exploding laptops
what makes me laugh
this is just a "frighted peace"
death to exams!
op shopping = treasure hunt
stepping in dog crap is the best way to end your day
back to total randomness

Music Here! coming soon!

16 BBY!
Written at Wednesday, April 15, 2009 | back to top

OK... so yesterday was my "sweet 16th" and yes.. I was kind of dreading it. Another year older! but as the day went on I began accepting the fact that growing old is a part of life. (thanks nikka and athena) We didn't really do much. I was still asleep when my Mum and sister woke up and as usual my sister does her "surprise greeting", where she barges into your room yelling our "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and you end up literally falling out of bed going "what the heck!" It's quite annoying to be honest. It was really nice of them actually. they really surprised me. all i really wanted for my birthday was an iPod touch and my Dad said that we would just get one from the Philippines. So that meant that I would get my iPod approx. 1 week after my birthday and i was fine with that. When my Dad was talking to me on the phone on day before my birthday, he said that he probably won't be getting it since it was way too expensive there. so there i was, pretty upset that i wasn't going to get my iPod . When my Mum and sister came in, I was only expecting a card and the small badges they tried to hide away from me, but when i looked in the bag i felt a box..."what the? that doesn't feel like badges".... yes... it was the iPod Touch!...
!@#*! WHAT! HOW DID.... HUH?? WHAT'S THIS??... HOW DID??.
(that's really how i reacted)
it turns out that my parents bought it before my Dad went to the Philippines.. so they had to put on their "acting" skills on,.... and i bought it. ^^
so after the whole iPod deal, We went to get my haircut, so right now, I have really thin hair. I'm so used to having really think hair but seriously, it feels like i don't have anymore hair.
For dinner, my cousin cooked pancit (noodles) and longanisa (filoppino sausages), my two favourite foods. mmmmmm. a great dinner that was .
and then for my cake... we used one of the newly released donuts from Krispy Kreme. it was cute ^^

so yeah... there you go, my very sweet 16th.
Thankyou EVERYONE that greeted me, whether it was by msn,txt message or phone call.. seriously, I didn't realise how many people remembered my birthday.
thank you so much!!!
aka. the old granny


Written at Monday, April 6, 2009 | back to top

so have you watched AUSTRALIA?????
well..... i have!
OMGoshh.... it was so good!
wayyyyy better than i expected. seriously, I thought it was going to be like a draggy sort of film, but it totally wasn't despite the fact that it went for almost 3 hours.
You know when you are watching a really good movie and its just about to finish, but you don't want it to just yet because its so darn good?
well, its like that, but only it doesn't finish. You know what i mean? Like that feeling of wanting the movie to keep going continuously happens....grrr this was harder to explain than I thought. -_-"
Like you think its going to finish but then you look at the time its been running and then you find out that you got about 2 hours to go.
*sighs deeply*
ok... its just like really long, but in a really good way...
yea and Nicole and Hugh are so great together. they are so cute!!!!! and Nullah is adorable as well.....
awwww the three of them are so cute... like one happy family.
this is just another one of my short obsession phases.. hahaha
but trust me, the movie is extremely good if you are into the whole romance thing. (like me!)
The movie made me cry and smile so much..seriously... i like needed a tissue box next to me. it was kind of funny since i watched AUSTRALIA with my Dad only, haha, and he was like.. just looking at me crying. haha.

WATCH IT!!!!!!!

Sarah and Drover are so freakin cute!!!!
sadness and excitement
Written at Saturday, April 4, 2009 | back to top

so this week has been pretty weird or full with emotions.. i don't really know how to explain it.
At the beginning of the week, I was my natural cheery-self, exited and nervous at the same time about turning 16. (geez.... I'm so OLD!) I was fretting over the fact that my birthday was creeping nearer and nearer. grrr... I'm not ready to turn 16 yet!!!!!!!
and then finally in the middle of the week, on the 1st of April, tragedy struck our family with the news of my uncle's death. He was my Dad's brother. Rest In Peace Uncle Elmer. because of his death, my Dad is going to go to the Philippines tomorrow. and to be honest I was very upset. Not just because of my uncle's death, but also the fact that my Dad most probably won't be here for my birthday....
but then i stopped and realised that I shouldn't worry since I will have other birthdays to come, and my Dad should go to the Philippines because, well you know, his brother only dies once...
So yeah, I'm alright with everything now. I'm kinda excited for him to go since he gets to see everybody again, but then again... I'm so jealous... I really want to go.... far out.
just another short blog today, sorry . Not really in the mood to write more.
well.... ciao.