Hey!! Here's my room and its new colours! soothing aye!
I'm cursed. That's right, cursed! Do you want to know why???
Ok.. so early this week, Athena was talking to me about my phone and asking my when i was going to get a new one since I've had it for so long. I said to her that I didn't need a new one because my phone was just fine. Later that night, my mum, sister and I went to my great aunt's place. When it was time to go home we got into the car. Because it was around 10 in the night, it was dark in the car and nobody could see anything. As I settled down and began to close my car door, I didn't realise that my small, long over-the-shoulder bag was still hanging out of the car. When I closed the door hard, I heard a cracking noise... yupp... you might probably already know what the crack was... it was the screen of my mobile phone. !!!!
That night, I was so upset. I was crying!
...Not to worry, my Mum came to the rescue and got me a new phone on Wednesday. its a Sony Ericsson Walkman 595. Its very cool :)
Hold on! Wait.. the curse does not stop there my dear friends... on the same day as i came home from a busy day at school, excited to receive my new phone, I realised that my iPod was not in my bag where it should have been. I must of left it in my locker then, I thought to myself. I prayed that it was in my locker that night...
Walking to school made me nervous... what if it's not there??? I began to walk a little faster thinking that if I get to my locker as soon as possible, the sooner my heart will calm down. I entered the school library, my hang out every morning, to ask Harveen if she would help me search. As we walked down to the lockers, i prayed some more that it will be there, sitting on the top shelf where I believed I left it. I opened my locker and... OMGOSH! its not there. Harveen and I started to frantically take all my books out of my locker, checking every nook and cranny. Without success, we started emptying my bag. Still nothing.. We even tipped the bag upside down and shook it so hard. With me in total panic mode, I suggested to check in the front office lost property. Racing up to the office, I begged that my iPod would be there. DARN.... nothing. Oh god.... I began having a panic attack, but then Harveen reassured me and said that it was probably at home. I agreed to her and tried to relax. For the whole school day I couldn't get my iPod out of my mind. It was driving me crazy. My iPod was very important to me. Practically my whole life was on that thing. Charmed, Music, Photography, Twilight... EVERYTHING!!!! As you can see, I am emotionally attached to my iPod and mobile.
My iPod isn't at home nor in my bag or locker. Its officially lost. :(
I've been checking the office daily praying that its there.
I guess I was distracted by the idea of my new phone that Wednesday that i wasn't paying much attention to my iPod. I guess that's how it works. If you get something new, you get distracted. hmmmm... I really want my iPod back.
...... I'M CURSED!!!
I want my iPod back ;-(
Labels: cursed, iPod, Sony Ericsson W595