some books that i really enjoyed reading. read them!
(in no particular order)
The Baby-Sitters Club. - Ann M. Marinahh, the primary school days. I seriously love this series! Great stories of friendships, family school and all the other things in between. The picture is obviously just one of the many books in the series, "Dawn and the Impossible Three". I remember re-reading this one in grade six. ^^
The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic - Sophie KinsellaThis book is hilarious. I read it last year after my mum told me to read it. In the book, you'll meet Rebecca Bloomwood, an amusing shopaholic who finds herself doing the strangest things to earn the money she needs to pay off her enormous bill.
The Prophecy of the Gems - Flavia BujorThis book took me a while to read. I read it some time 2 or 3 years ago. It was wrtten by a teenager, Flavia Bujor, who has impressed me with her style of writing. The three lives of the girls, Jade, Amber and Opal, (I'm pretty sure thats their names) collide after being given a gem.
Harry Potter series - J.K RowlingThis series obviously was going to be on my list. I just recently started reading Harry Potter and I have been kicking myself for not reading it earlier. I actually didn't want to read the books before, I just watched the movies. I don't know what got me reading them, but I've been really enjoying them so far. I'm up to the third book ^^ (I love Ron!)
Heartbeat - Sharon Creechwhoa! how bad is that picture of the book! anyway, this book has been written in poetic form and takes you along Annie's emotional states. You are taken on a journey along with Annie as she runs and reflects on her life.
A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket I totally fell in love with this series after watching the movie. I love the kind of stories involving secrets and mysteries and what not. Generally, I love stories with spooky, wierd and crazy stuff. Lemony Snicket gives the 3 main characters (Sunny, Klaus & Violet) such different personalities and I love it when they do that, just like in Charmed how every sister is different.
The Princess Diaries - Meg CabotI absolutely love this series!! In my opinion every teenage girl should have at least read the first book!
The movie was AWESOME as well!
Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway are some of my favourite actors!

hahaha. just wanted to add one of my favourite scenes in the movie! "Shut Up!"
Macbeth - William ShakespeareI just finished reading this a couple of weeks ago for my Shakespeare class at school. I honestly loved the tradgedy of Macbeth. I really liked the supernatural factor in the play, it was really interesting.
Twilight - Stephenie Meyerfor the romantics out there. This isn't just any typical or ordinary romance story, unless you can call vampires and werewolves typical and ordinary. Yes, you too will melt while reading this series by Stephenie Meyer. (if you read Twilight, you MUST read the other books New Moon, Eclispse, Breaing Dawn and any other books that Meyer puts out for this saga)