Then I escaped the clutches of the pages...
Hello dear bloggers.If you are wondering what in the world my title means, it means that I have finally finished my half-yearly exams and I will no longer need to lock myself up in my room and bury my head in study notes. it feels GREAT! I have escaped from the prison bars of my exam notes. I missed the feeling of having nothing to do after school. I really have to learn to study in advance. I struggled as I found that one week of study is not enough for grade 9! Anyway, enough of that, thinking of exams make me dizzy!My mom was searching around eBay and she found a pentax p30n camera!!! She bidded, and WE WON! YAYYY! that means that my photographic obsession will still go on. I can't wait 'till it arrives. My next must-have-camera on my list is a Polaroid camera!! How cool are those things??Moving on... I have a freakishly new liking which developed due to my love of the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer and my current English topic genre. GOTHIC!!! I'm not going to turn into one though. Don't go jumping to conclusions! I really like Gothic story lines and their awesome names! I have chosen my "gothic" name is Aurora Ariel Blackglitter Salem. LOL I chose 2 first names and 2 second names. AWESOME!!My sister and I are making a video website where we post the most stupidest videos. It isn't completed yet, but hopefully, with the extra help of Alana,it will be a success. Keep a look out for THE SECRET COMPARTMENT. I have to go now since i have once again taken heaps long to write this short blog. it is now 10 o'clock and my eyes are telling me to go to sleep.So Long...xx.Aurora ( <>