I can't believe I was still at school at 9:20pm
home sweet home!!Thank God I only had one performance! I stuffed up, but I'm praying that it wasn't that obvious.... which I bet it was since I smiled every time I made a mistake. I bet it was caught on video, which I haven't seen yet..hmmm... glad that was over. during the performance I just felt myself go redder and redder. Just really happy that the background lighting was red, I don't know why though ?_?I was in the fourth performance which meant that I had the rest of the night to wait till the event was over. I basically just talked to friends and made new ones and tried out some new instruments. Did you know I used to play the flute?? LOL bet you didn't =) overall, it was a really fun experience. I can't wait to see what next term's performing arts night brings.ciaoxx.nicaaa