Hey fellows Bloggers!!
Sorry for not blogging for a while. (Sorry dear Athena)!!
This is just a quick update of what I have been up to lately this Autumn holidays.
I had a birthday on the 14Th, and may I add that it was awesome.
I watched SPIDERWICK CHRONICLES and that was also awesome.!! One of the best story line ever. My Dad watched it with us also. My sister was scared of the movie that I heard my Dad giving her advice. He said "just don't blink". 0_o L O L
For my sister's sake, I came with her to the HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL ICE TOUR!
We were seated in the highest level, for my aunt bought the tickets late.
Never the less, the seats were great. I got really dizzy and I couldn't move as much for I am cowardly
afraid of heights, sadly to say. The show was really good and the skating was very impressive.
Because we were seated up the top, we decided that we needed to bring binoculars. We all looked weird with those things. but hey, it did help us see the skaters better.
Moving on...
I have been on the computer for quite some time now. this is because I have to research for my school assignments. It kind of buggs me that I have to do school work on holidays, but I guess that's what high school is all about. I've been photoshopping as well. and I have become slightly better in fixing photos with effects and techniques. I love creating art. Well, at least attempting to create art.
Along with my so called "art", I have also been making collages and madly ripping pages and pages out of magazine
and pasting whatever I can find onto a piece of paper. It is quite fun, although the mess I leave behind is difficult to clean up because it contains tiny pieces of trimmed paper.
I need to wrap this up so I can finish off my work that i need to do.
sorry for the late blog!!!

One of my most favourite people in the world. Her name is Tixia Nikka (lastname), sorry, I don't put surnames on blogs ^^
Anyway. We met in kindergarten, which happens to be a very long time ago, in the library. It was a coincidence that we both just migrated from the Philippines. Our English abilities weren't as great as our other class mates, so we turned to each other and started to talk our own language. (look at us now, we are both in advanced English, NOT BRAGGING OR ANYTHING). We became best friends since then. Then, sadly our friendship was stretched when i had to move school. It was hard, because we really wanted to be in grade 6 together. Amazingly, we were strong enough to mend that slight dilemma with a simple solution. every weekend, I would call her house and ask her if she wanted to sleepover. She would then come over every weekend, yes I am serious, EVERY SATURDAY MORNING! We would do stupid things like race up and down the street, pretend we were cheerleaders and create cheers, (this idea was taken from "Bring it on") stay up late watching weird TV shows on foxtel, attempting to compete an entire puzzle booklet in a night, karaoke, the list can go on forever! Both of us thought that we were pretty smart for figuring this easy solution, but what we weren't prepared for was moving to a whole different city... This news was disaster. Our families have become close and now we were being torn apart. We didn't quite enjoy helping them move all their things into to truck that was destined to arrive at the new home town approx. 16 hours away by car. It was so weird seeing the house empty. As the men worked on emptying the garage, Nikka, her brother Troy and I laid down on the plastic chairs that seemed to be the only thing left in their backyard, we enjoyed the sunlight and just talked. We were too sad to continue packing.
The time finally came and we said our goodbyes. It was upsetting to think that my best friend will no longer be there to call every week end. Letters via snail mail was one of our first main ways to stay in touch. Cute, little letters were sent back and forth from her place to mine. The letters eventually grew in sizes which made me smile a lot more. The occasional phone call seemed to brighten up my entire day.
As we both grew older, technology became advanced and communicating seemed to get easier. Even though distance was not our friend, technology was. Her family came to visit us almost every year. This solution to our situation was fine with all of us, even though it was a bit expensive for the petrol., nothing could keep a friendship as strong as ours apart. Time passes by and our friendship is still as strong as it was back then in kindergarten, perhaps even stronger.
This topic that I have just blogged about may seem totally random, but the reason why I typed a blog up dedicated to our friendship is because she called me last night (well, about 5 times actually, due to many interruptions) and our conversation lasted for about 90 minutes. Probably the longest telephone conversation i have ever had. I kept thinking of our convo today which prevented me from thinking of anything else. hahaha. Nikka suggested that we make a story about our friendship, don't ask me why, ask her. We kept on talking about the things that happened to us when she still lived down here. We didn't realise how lame we used to be! HAHAHA.
As we laughed together 'till we ran out of air, I got teary because I really miss her a lot. I'm glad she hasn't abandoned me, or forgotten me, and I'm glad that I didn't either. We are planning to go on a world trip someday and visit countries and cities that are on our "must travel list" . There is a possibility that she might move back down here again and we will be able to bond even more.
Did you know that my nick name is NICA and her name is NIKKA? They are pronounced the same by the way. We were also born in the same hospital! We've known each other for 10 years, and as Nikka would say, " 10 years and still county"
I reckon our story is unique with difficult situations that needed mending. We were able to do so and to also keep our faith up for each other.
This just goes to show that "bestfriend" is not a label, it's a promise.
p.s Nikka, if you are reading this, yes i was teary, but i didn't want to tell you! I MISS YOU SO MUCH!
Labels: Trixia Nikka

Hello world.
Its Friday once again! AHHH time to relax and think about the weekend!
Now, remember how I promised that I will have a better topic to blog about rather than talk about what i should blog about. Does that make sense??
My topic today is...DRUM ROLL PLEASE!
Yes. I do admit that I am a Pirates of the Caribbean Fanatic (along with one of my good friend, Athena !)
Orlando does deserve to have a blog dedicated all to him. If Meredeth has McDreamy, then I have McHottie.
(if you watch Grey's Anatomy, then you will understand ^^)
the basics:
Born Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Bloom ( but I prefer McHottie)
Orlando Bloom McHottie was born on the 13th of January 1977 Canterbury, Kent, England. This explains that sweet english accented voice. HAHA. He attended St. Edmunds in Canterbury, where he grew a love for art such as photography and sculpting. There, he also participated in various school plays. No wonder he is so darn good at acting! Oh and did I mention how much I love photography as well? We have so much in common.!!
There you go. The start of his career.
.was on the list of Teen People Magazine's "25 Hottest Stars Under 25" 2002
.on the list of People's Magazine's "Hottest Bachelor" in 2004.
.won the 2002 MTV movie Awards for "breakthrough Male.
. graduated
. he is said to be midly-dyslexic, which made him struggle through many of his school courses while in St. Edmunds.
.he has an older sister named Samantha Bloom (which is my middle name.!!)
.is good friends with Jennifer Aniston
Need more evidence to prove that I am completely insane about Orlando bloom??
if you do, just ask me!
anyway. the day has passed and i finally finished my blog and guess what..
I finished 30 earlier than my previous blog.!!
wow. BIG improvement.
well. that it. I finished and now I'm sleepy ...
best be off bloggers.
happy blogging!
oh and yea, Miranda Kerr is Orlando's current girlfriend.
I'm geeen with ENVY!
oh well.
I can keep dreaming!!
Labels: Orlando Bloom