whoa. another blog entry within 3 days??
anyways. Remember the camera that i was talking about. The one the my mom won from eBay??
IT HAS ARRIVED!!!! It is so uuberly cool and it looks so "pro" i can't wait 'till i can use it properly.
if Any of you bloggers have any tips and/or tricks please tell me for i am a photographer in training.
It is heavy by the way and the flash is detachable. I'm thinking of making my of making a "photography" folder in my new website.
Oh ! and do you also remember about the website i was blogging about in my last blog? Well, sorry to say that i have bad new. My sister, that brat, dropped out. which means that "the secret compartment" is all mine. (which is a plus for me) My one and only sister said that " it was too silly" !!! What. She is so self conscious of what people think of her. oh well. The Secret Compartment is all mine then. BWAHAHAHAH.
Can I mention something totally random?
Shia LaBeouf has grown up t be F.I.N.E! I really found him annoying in "Even Stevens" But WHOA has he grown up!!!
I best be off and study my new camera, or else my photography dream will be shattered!!
Ciao for now!