heyyyoo!well... long time no type aye?!
well, I managed to gain some valuable free time that seem to be impossible to have these days.
what should i write about......
oh... so on Saturday, I went to my cousin Elyssa's birthday at Clown Town.
The place was awesome and it made me wish I was 5 years younger. The slides were MASSIVE!
and there was a rock climbing wall.
my sister Angelou was great on that thingo....
I am currently watching the 8 th season of Charmed.... Its getting so good at the moment.. heaps of nail biting moments and "to be continued" episodes.. which are kind of annoying to tell you the truth...
My sister and I have decided to take the seventh season slowly as we are nearing the end of the entire series. !!! I can't believe it. Seriously, I don't want it to end ^^
Usually, Angie and I attack the seasons like there's no tomorrow, finishing the season in less than a week.
But not for the last to seasons..... slowly, we should enjoy the final episodes . =)..
What else.....
hmmm. Oh my birthday is creeping up!
14th of April.. don't forget it! My parents are taking my sister and I to Queensland to go visit Nikka, my best friend. Then we are going to go to the Gold Coast. I seriously can't wait. I'm kinda scared of turning 16 though. Time has really come and gone quickly.
16... can you imagine me being a 16 year old???!!?!?!?!
I've started reading Harry Potter !!!!
Its amazing. I regret not reading it earlier. Right now, I'm almost finished with the first book and I'm excited about going onto the Chamber of secrets.... YAY
OHHHHHH and yesterday, after we went to the airport to drop my Aunt, Uncle and cousins off to the Philippines, My parents took us to DFO and we went to the converse store and I got a new pair of CHUCKS!!!!! FINALLY!
They are Purple!!!!! I love them.... *_*
I wanted to get a plain green one.... but the only green one they had was a really ugly snot-colored one... it was kinda gross actually. I love the way it has 2 tongues. haha. that sounds funny...
Take a look.............

Ok... I know... this blog was completely pointless.... Just a quick update of what's been going on my my little world. I'll try and blog about something more interesting in my next post... so i guess you have to live with this very boring blog entry for now... ENJOY!!!
p.s I love my shoes ^^
Labels: Harry Potter is freaking awesome, nica's new converse, taking charmed slowly