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Sweet Powwow
안녕하세요 anyeonghaseyo! hello! welcome to my little green garden www. brace yourselves for total randomness if you are to read any of my entries. I often fan-girl a lot and type out wierd streams of thought. you have been warned. other than that, scroll through with a smile :)

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Quote of the day
Jenica: You know the song 'Cheeky Cheeky' by Vengaboys? Rochelle: Oh yeaah. back in the daay.. Jenica: Yeah ! I can sing that song backwards! ♫ Boys cheeky the are you Boys cheeky the are you Girls cheeky the are we Girls cheeky the are we ♫ Everyone: AHAHAHAHAH Jenica: Sighh. I have too much time oh my hands !

Feeling : _hungry__
Eating : _nothing__
Doing : _fixing this blog layout__
Watching : _letters appear on the computer screen___
Listening to : _the humm of the laptop__


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I can't believe I was still at school at 9:20pm
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to many topics for one title..
16 BBY!

Music Here! coming soon!

HI... long time no type!
Written at Wednesday, July 15, 2009 | back to top

Have you ever slept through a night where you though you'd freeze to death? Well, when I was in Canberra with the commerce classes for our over night trip, I seriously thought I wouldn't see the light of the next day. It was freezing! Despite the fact that we had the heater on ALL night... it absolutely did NOTHING! except heat our garlic bread one of my friends brought along. When we got to our lodge, our group only had 4 people so we were taken away from the main group and were given our own little cabin. It was pretty cool, we had our own kitchen, lounge, TV, bathroom, 3 single beds and 1 king size bed. It was awesome. We didn't want to use the oven to heat up the garlic bread, that's why we used the pathetic heater :) My group all arranged for us to bring food so we could pig out in the cabin.... and boy did we have A LOT of food!

Throughout the night, we decided to leave the TV on because it made the cabin feel "homie". Yes.... teenage girls do get home sick even after 1 day away from home. the 3 single beds were stacked up like a bunk bed so i had to sleep on the one practically on the floor because the middle one was taken and the top one was wayyy too high and had absolutely no railings! but I was fine with my bed. During my sleep, I was constantly woken up by the television. singing, music, talking. I checked it out and realized it was Michael Jackson's memorial. I really wanted to stay awake and watch it, however I was aware of the day ahead of us so I acted mature and went back to bed. ^^

In the morning, I found out what I missed out on. The memorial was one the news and darn! I should have watched it!!!!!!!


that morning we were the first ones out of our cabin and our bus driver, Ron, told us that we could put our bags on the bus.. sweet. ! that meant we had free time while the others packed and boarded the bus.

During that free time, we decided to check out the others' rooms.

Once we stepped into the first room, I swear, our jaws literally dropped. They had really really really nice rooms. Proper air-cons, 4 sets of really nice bunk beds and really awesome bathrooms. Their rooms were so warm and they had FLAT SCREEN TVS! I'm serious... oh! except for Athena's room hahahaha ^^

I literally went into every cabin, and yes, the people in there thought I was a weirdo.

oh well.

I even saw inside the teacher's rooms...

*sigh* oh well, we survived the night in our own cabin and we didn't complain. They didn't have a kitchen hahaha.
anyways... The trip was awesome, it was really fun. I had a great time with my friends while learning some cool stuff.
ummm.. Questacon.!!!!! who doesn't love that place? we went on the roller coaster stimulator thingo about 3 times. I was lucky enough to bring my video camera so I was able to film it. It wasn't really THAT scary, but everyone was screaming just for the sake of it. What do you expect from girls like us?
I went on the free-fall twice. I never expected me to ever do such things. But I knew I would regret it if I didn't go. That's what happened to me on my grade 6 Canberra trip.

The OLD Parliament House.
To be honest, that parliament house is wayy more interesting that the current one. We had to wear these white gloves because it was a national heritage site and we have oils in our skin that would apparently damage the place. Those gloves made it feel extra special. We went into the Senate chamber, the red one and.. WOW! It was so.... pretty! we held a mock session in there and that was a blast. We were shown the seat where the Queen had sat in twice! That really blew me away. The place felt so much historic than the current parliament house. We were given a tour to the Prime Minister's office, which was left in exact condition as the last Prime Minister who was in there left it. That was awesome. We were all thinking how cool it would be if we found some secret compartments in there, you know, like National Treasure 2 or something like that.. But sadly there wasn't anything, we asked our tour guide. She said the only "secretive" thing in the room was a small peep hole that looks into the Prime Minister's office from his secretary's office.

Mt. Ainsley (I'm pretty sure that's how you spell it LOL)
We were supposed to go to Telstra Tower @ after Questacon, but we ended up going to Mt. Aisnley. I'm telling you, it was FREEZING!. totally one of the coldest places I've been to. Mt. Ainsley was just a look out point so yes, you could imagine how cold it would have been at night. some picture taking took place. You could see the city of Canberra in lights. It was really pretty out there. And on the way up and down the mountain, our bus driver, Ron, drove really slowly because there were HEAPS of kangaroos in the way. I totally loved that experience.

Bus trips to and from Canberra.
Yeah, those 3.5 hour trips were really relaxing. I sat with Kim on the bus and the teachers were kind enough to put on movies while we travelled. The Notebook and Australia. Excellent choices.

so basically the whole trip was awesome! My digital camera crashed and I had nothing but my phone and my video camera with only a limited amount of free space! So sadly, I had to rely on my phone, which was quickly running out of battery and my friends' cameras. I'll hopefully get enough pictures so I can post them up.

Oh and some quick shout outs I promised my friends.
-Hi Ishaaaaaaa!!!!! LOL here is your "little mention" comment in my shout out box ^^
Ishaaaaa is really cool btw for those who don't know here. She is one of my newest friends ^^
-Athenaaaaaa! wsup? Just thought I'd shout out to you as well. Hows your holidays so far nincompoop? did you go to school on the last day?? xx.jenicaaa
-angelou.... do you even read my blog? HAHA .. loser face.

ok. i'll blog you later!
