Ok, so who else is freaked out by the desasters caused by our mother nature??Sand storms, typhoons, tsunamis and earthquakes. ! ARRRHHHGG!Its the end of the world ! ...Today Tonight.. BREAKING NEWS. ! ------->how celebrities lose those unwanted kilos. ! forget about the global issues, love handles are wayyy more important! seriously. wake up and open your eyes to the outside world, people of the news industry! PEOPLE ARE DYING OUT THERE ! sorry, this is the most randomest post ever, but honestly, that's how I feel about some of the news broadcasts out there on our TVs. Labels: Breaking News, Philippines, Tsunamis, Typhoon

What athenaaa had to say...
nica's list 10:00pm - break time!
ok nica ballaco. talking on the train and now i gotta write a list about everythin i know and am not supposed to know about her- gets heaps obsessed with things then forgets about them ; TWILIGHT :)- CHARMED FANATIC- gets obsessed way after the craze is over- so much like my sister, not funny- is so nice to angelou- loves her job and i love it too, once she lost 30 bucks?- amazing musician here, violin, flute, piano, guitar, ukelele- disney channel lover- wants to be a gynecologist/midwife - watches birthshows on Home and Health. No seriously- hardly see her until afternoon- proud of her philoness "just coz im asian"- has a HUGEEEE family- always has a lot of puppies- gets emotionally attached to puppies- believes in karma/supersition p.s she gave me karma and made broke my phone for saying" gees u have had your phone for a long time"-learns things from youtube- the type of person soemone would be smart to be friends with - she knows EVERYTHING-so nice- hardly judges- loves all the teachers, even the ones everyone hates, finds something good about everybody- loves science- does karate !- hates other sport maybe just PE-Chris + Jeremy are familar names- currently crushing on someone she says she hates- she is a true filo born there has been here 11 yrs- good choice of musical tastes- thats all for now :)loveyou nicageeee.
this list was impressive!
only I do love sports, just not doing them at school or for thrusday activities...
I dislike doing them :)

athena's list
guess what guess what!!!! I bought something so awesome on Saturday!....a UKULELE!!!I bought it off an old guy at a spring festival and he said it came from HAWAII!.. I can't believe that I actually have my very own ukulele!! *sigh* now all I need to do is learn how to play !! ^^ YAY!I'll take a picture of it and post it soooon.ok, so here is a list I made for all the things I know about ATHENA!Athena:-thinks is a political way-comes up with the best insults and comebacks-finds it freaky how much her sister and I are alike -is over-protective of her folder ... aka athena's bible-sits with her friends behind the forum on the sloping pathway during most lunchtimes, unless she's off doing something else like mock trial or accelerated english..-always has a school bag the weights like 10 bowling balls-impresses me with her ginormous vocabulary-has chickens in her backyard-is going to be the first female Prime Minister of Australia. ^^-doesn't own one of those "new school shirts" , well I don't think so anyway !-hardly talk to be during school hours-likes gossip (I dont know if she will actually admit it though)-does not express her sri lankan-ness much-writes too much-expects me to blog regularly-gives me bad luck with my gadgets (phone)-does not procrastinate -calls me by my nick name, which a lot of people in school don't. -does not know when I am lying to her (well only for a while)-would be willing to spend more than $10 on chocolates and lollies-should know that this list took quite some time and is expected to make a list about me as well. love you athenaaa =)well.. all i gotta say at the momentgotta fix converter program because its messing up :( xx.nicaaa