just for your information
I just finished watching "My Sister's Keeper" with my Mum and sister. Don't ever watch this movie when you are freshly sun burnt. My tears literally stung my burnt cheeks, which were fried due the the fact that I forgot to wear sunscreen before spending an entire day at Luna Park for a science excursion.
As a result, my eyes have gone completely puffy and it looks like I just had a major
allergic reaction to my own tears. I'm not joking, the movie made me cry every 2 minutes and when the movie was finished, I could not open my eyes, no

deja vu
dear world,
guess what! once again I've managed to lose/misplace my ipod TOUCH! This is no joke. I've got my whole family and myself frantically looking ALL over our house and cars in search of my brown little pouch which holds my beloved iPod and school ID card. Tha's right, my ID card.
*sigh* maybe it got stolen at school or something. But I've looked in my locker, in my school bag, in the office, in the library.... practically everywhere! far out. My parents are not giving me a new one and I don't blame them. I don't trust myself either.where is it !
i think the only places left to look is at my piano teacher's house or the PE rooms near the school swimming pool. !!!!
I miss my iPod!
dear person who might have stolen my iPod,
give it back now or I will hunt you down and make sure you have nightmares!
My ID card is in there as well, so you know who the iPod belongs to ! ME!
just hand it into the office and I will be happy again. ! You are causing me agony and if i find out that you still have not given it in because it's not yours in the first place, I will make sure that you are in agony as well! GIVE IT BACK TO ME !
oh and p.s I just watch new moon with my sister and cousins, I have bought the book "Wicked", I'm almost finished reading the Da Vinci Code and I am now at the dentist waiting to have a check up. Pray that I do not need some sort of braces or have cavities or whatever!
iPod, if you are reading this... give me a sign to tell me where you are! I MISS YOU !

what makes facebook so addictive?
is it the thrill when you see that little red box next to your notification icon?
is it the excitement you get when you get tagged?
is it because socializing with friends is easier?
is it the free gifts friends send to you for the games?
is it the games themselves?
i reckon it's all these factors that play a part in the addiction of facebook.
i personally can admit that i can not live a day without logging onto facebook.
even though i've spent an entire day at school with my friends, i still find it necessary to talk to them after school hours.
i mostly blame the addiction on the games!
i just have to constantly check on my farm in case any of my crops die and make me lose precious gold coins. (farmville)
i just have to make sure my fish are well fed and are swimming in a clean tank. (happy aquarium)
i have to make sure that my character in (sorority life) is earning money and getting popular.
i have to make sure my little witch is getting educated (school of wizardry)
i have to play with my little pet and make sure she's clean and happy (pet society)
it's the urge to reach the next level and to earn to rewards for the achievements. it's the satisfaction of moving up in the rankings.
why is it so addictive? !!!

today was so HOT! Every movement caused heat. The wind didn't help at all! And I tell you what else didn't help? having to carry a stupid 5 tonne bag of bricks on the way home! At least I'm home now, basking in the awesomeness of an air conditioner. school certificate ! NEXT WEEK! I'm kinda excited for it to tell you the truth. Call me weird or whatever. I think I am prepared for them. I hope so anyway. :SOh! Brace yourselves. I am currently going through a new phase... think you can guess?alright, once again I've caught onto this phase long after it was a hype. It involves controversial issues, a lot of running away from the police, a crippled old man, a cryptographer, a symbologist and an extremely well known artist by the name of Da Vinci. If you haven't guessed it by now I'm sorry to say you live under a rock! yup! That's right, I'm in the Da Vinci Code phase. I've watched the movie and I am reading the book! OMGosh, how awesome. I regret not reading it earlier. But I have to admit, getting into the phase later than everyone else is kind of an advantage because I went out shopping one day and I bought the Da Vinci Code board game for $8 !!!! I found out that my friend who also loves The Da Vinci Code paid over $20 for it.. Oh yeah! SCORE! Yes, I am a cheapo :)

just for your information
I just finished watching "My Sister's Keeper" with my Mum and sister. Don't ever watch this movie when you are freshly sun burnt. My tears literally stung my burnt cheeks, which were fried due the the fact that I forgot to wear sunscreen before spending an entire day at Luna Park for a science excursion.
As a result, my eyes have gone completely puffy and it looks like I just had a major
allergic reaction to my own tears. I'm not joking, the movie made me cry every 2 minutes and when the movie was finished, I could not open my eyes, no

deja vu
dear world,
guess what! once again I've managed to lose/misplace my ipod TOUCH! This is no joke. I've got my whole family and myself frantically looking ALL over our house and cars in search of my brown little pouch which holds my beloved iPod and school ID card. Tha's right, my ID card.
*sigh* maybe it got stolen at school or something. But I've looked in my locker, in my school bag, in the office, in the library.... practically everywhere! far out. My parents are not giving me a new one and I don't blame them. I don't trust myself either.where is it !
i think the only places left to look is at my piano teacher's house or the PE rooms near the school swimming pool. !!!!
I miss my iPod!
dear person who might have stolen my iPod,
give it back now or I will hunt you down and make sure you have nightmares!
My ID card is in there as well, so you know who the iPod belongs to ! ME!
just hand it into the office and I will be happy again. ! You are causing me agony and if i find out that you still have not given it in because it's not yours in the first place, I will make sure that you are in agony as well! GIVE IT BACK TO ME !
oh and p.s I just watch new moon with my sister and cousins, I have bought the book "Wicked", I'm almost finished reading the Da Vinci Code and I am now at the dentist waiting to have a check up. Pray that I do not need some sort of braces or have cavities or whatever!
iPod, if you are reading this... give me a sign to tell me where you are! I MISS YOU !

what makes facebook so addictive?
is it the thrill when you see that little red box next to your notification icon?
is it the excitement you get when you get tagged?
is it because socializing with friends is easier?
is it the free gifts friends send to you for the games?
is it the games themselves?
i reckon it's all these factors that play a part in the addiction of facebook.
i personally can admit that i can not live a day without logging onto facebook.
even though i've spent an entire day at school with my friends, i still find it necessary to talk to them after school hours.
i mostly blame the addiction on the games!
i just have to constantly check on my farm in case any of my crops die and make me lose precious gold coins. (farmville)
i just have to make sure my fish are well fed and are swimming in a clean tank. (happy aquarium)
i have to make sure that my character in (sorority life) is earning money and getting popular.
i have to make sure my little witch is getting educated (school of wizardry)
i have to play with my little pet and make sure she's clean and happy (pet society)
it's the urge to reach the next level and to earn to rewards for the achievements. it's the satisfaction of moving up in the rankings.
why is it so addictive? !!!

today was so HOT! Every movement caused heat. The wind didn't help at all! And I tell you what else didn't help? having to carry a stupid 5 tonne bag of bricks on the way home! At least I'm home now, basking in the awesomeness of an air conditioner. school certificate ! NEXT WEEK! I'm kinda excited for it to tell you the truth. Call me weird or whatever. I think I am prepared for them. I hope so anyway. :SOh! Brace yourselves. I am currently going through a new phase... think you can guess?alright, once again I've caught onto this phase long after it was a hype. It involves controversial issues, a lot of running away from the police, a crippled old man, a cryptographer, a symbologist and an extremely well known artist by the name of Da Vinci. If you haven't guessed it by now I'm sorry to say you live under a rock! yup! That's right, I'm in the Da Vinci Code phase. I've watched the movie and I am reading the book! OMGosh, how awesome. I regret not reading it earlier. But I have to admit, getting into the phase later than everyone else is kind of an advantage because I went out shopping one day and I bought the Da Vinci Code board game for $8 !!!! I found out that my friend who also loves The Da Vinci Code paid over $20 for it.. Oh yeah! SCORE! Yes, I am a cheapo :)