Hi! I'm finally blog-active again. do you like my new layout? I do !
Sweet Powwow
안녕하세요 anyeonghaseyo! hello! welcome to my little green garden www. brace yourselves for total randomness if you are to read any of my entries. I often fan-girl a lot and type out wierd streams of thought. you have been warned. other than that, scroll through with a smile :)

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Quote of the day
Jenica: You know the song 'Cheeky Cheeky' by Vengaboys? Rochelle: Oh yeaah. back in the daay.. Jenica: Yeah ! I can sing that song backwards! ♫ Boys cheeky the are you Boys cheeky the are you Girls cheeky the are we Girls cheeky the are we ♫ Everyone: AHAHAHAHAH Jenica: Sighh. I have too much time oh my hands !

Feeling : _hungry__
Eating : _nothing__
Doing : _fixing this blog layout__
Watching : _letters appear on the computer screen___
Listening to : _the humm of the laptop__


Daily Reads
ate pam | athena | rebha | maribelle | mariessa

Rotten Things
March 2008 | April 2008 | May 2008 | June 2008 | August 2008 | September 2008 | October 2008 | November 2008 | January 2009 | February 2009 | March 2009 | April 2009 | May 2009 | June 2009 | July 2009 | August 2009 | September 2009 | October 2009 | November 2009 | December 2009 | January 2010 | February 2010 | March 2010 | April 2010 | July 2010 | September 2010 |

HI... long time no type!
I can't believe I was still at school at 9:20pm
this isn't usual
about the blog underneath
random good books
to many topics for one title..
16 BBY!

Music Here! coming soon!

catch up - ketchup!
Written at Sunday, August 2, 2009 | back to top

so what's up! I've decided to write a blog this evening, even though I'm supposed to be doing my assignments.... which I am! (it's called multi-tasking) ;)
right now I'm...
-doing my assignments that are due soon
(religion, geography, history elective)
- listening to my beloved iPod filled with the music that I found during my "music hunt" last week. (I'm going to do a music list later on)
- wanting another haircut. my sister got one and now I'm jealous :(
-mad by the fact that it's been getting hotter lately.
-getting off track from my assignments LOL
let me fill you in with my assignments !
geography : waste management! score! I need to do all these field work blah blah blah.
history elective : Personal Investigation, I chose Amelia Earhart and the mystery of her disappearance. very interesting, I know,
Religion : Reverence for Life, I chose the issue of IVF withing the Catholic Principles. that's interesting as well.
I'm getting sick of my blog layout, I'm going to change it when I have time (NEVER!).
except it's so hard to find good ones.

Priscilla Ahn
A Fine Frenzy
Cat Empire (thanks Ate Pam :)
Joss Stone (and again ^^)
Josh Kelley
Fake Number (they don't sing in English, they are Spanish or something like that, but they are still VERY cool, just like Paramore)
Paramore (always one of my fav bands)
The Beach Boys
Anna Nalick
Holly Conlan
Joshua Radin
Kate Nash (just like Lilly Allen/Kate Perry)
Matt Wertz
Schuyler Fisk
Tristan Prettyman
The Weepies
The Beetles
Sara Bareilles
Lilo & Stich (=^_^=)
Sister Act I & II
Mama Mia!
so yeah, those are some of my recently added songs/singers/bands/artists/soundtracks on my iPod! They are mainly my kind of music.. mellow, acoustic, piano rock, oldies, easy listening, folk, indie & other unclassifiable things.
hope you like them as well.! trust me, they are all so good!
I've always been a big fan of Hawaii, but recently I've realised that my obsession has grown. haha, I think it's because everyone says I look like I've come from some sort of pacific island. HA! .. (it's called the Philippines!), even my family. So, I've regarded Hawaiians as my people! yeahhh.. aloha ohana!
ok, best be off now. Got to do all those FUN assignments! YIPPEE!!

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